Southern Choice Real Estate Academy
Full Service Real Estate Education in NC
General Update (In-Person: #9925 / Zoom: #5925) - (For provisional and non-BIC brokers) - Topics for 2024-25 include: Environmental Material Facts, NCREC Frequently Asked Questions, Permits, Education Update, and Law and Rules Update.
BIC Update (In-Person: #8825 / Zoom: #5825) - (BICs and "BIC Eligible" only) - Topics for 2024-25 include: Environmental Material Facts, NCREC Frequently Asked Questions, Permits, Education Update, and Law and Rules Update and BIC Responsibility and Supervision.
Agency vs. Procuring Cause (In-Person: #3581 / Zoom: #3854) - What is "agency"? What is "procuring cause"? Are they the same? Are they different? Does one have anything to do with the other? What is the path a firm must travel in order to assert a claim that is the "procuring cause" in a transaction? This course explores the depths of the mystery that surrounds these questions.
Between the Lines: Insights from the Real Estate Bulletin (In-Person: #3461 / Zoom: #3780) - A real estate elective course designed to address some of the most commonly asked questions posed by real estate brokers and to provide insight into many misunderstood positions taken by the Commission on transactional matters. The articles in this book previously appeared in the North Carolina Real Estate Commission’s publication - Real Estate Bulletin (from 2007 to 2017). The primary objective of this course is to provide brokers with printed positions, conclusions, statements, resources, etc., as written by, or provided by, the NCREC staff (primarily).
Buying and Selling Properties in Historic Districts in NC (In-Person: #3907) - In this course you will learn about the legal background for historical zoning, some of the various types of homes and buildings considered “historic”, some of the elements of historic architecture, and also the materials often found in historic homes. You might not leave with all the answers to dealing with historic properties, but you will at least know the questions to ask and some background to consider. At the end of the course, you will have a working knowledge of historic districts and be able to explain issues to both sellers and buyers who are not familiar with historic district controls and goals.
The Contract Maze (In-Person: #2430 / Zoom: #3633) - A real estate elective course designed to navigate the intricate details and elusive question of "When does an offer become a contract?"
Everyday Ethics in Real Estate (In-Person: #3340 / Zoom: #3724) - This is the latest information from the Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice of the Nation Associations of Realtors (NAR). Students will gain greater insight into the responsibilities and duties required of Realtors and recommended sanctions for violations of the Code. This course meets the NAR requirements of the ethics training required by the Board of Realtors.
Property Management and Managing Risk (In-Person: #3629 / Zoom: #2390) - This property management course summarizes the primary goals of different types of property managers and lists resources that help managers acquire the skills needed to achieve those goals.
Red Flags: Property Inspection Guide (In-Person: #2206 / Zoom: #3780) - This class offers updated information for agents inspecting properties. Topics include asbestos, hazardous vegetation, structural problems, environmental hazards, and much more.
Selling in HOAs (In-Person: #1962 / Zoom: #1963) - NEW FOR 2024 - The Selling in HOAs course’s goal is to educate the real estate agent in all matters concerning Community Associations, why they exist, how they function, understand the financials, what they need to know for closings, the differences between a townhome and a condominium, what to look for in amenities, insurance types, and anything else that may affect the sale of a property in a Community Association. In today's real estate market, many errors are made principally due to the lack of knowledge of agents and what they need to look for in a transaction. They can't seek the right answers if they do not even know the questions to ask. This course is designed to give them a background, so they have the knowledge to protect their clients and the public.